Chapter Outcomes

  1. Identify the conditions under which it becomes necessary to analyze a circuit using the TL model.
  2. Enumerate the characteristic parameters of a controlled geometry TL ($Zo$, $\alpha{}$, $\beta{}$).
  3. Represent a controlled geometry TL using a lumped circuit model and solve for the 2 wave (incident+reflected) solution that describes the voltage and current at any point across the TL
  4. Calculate reflection coefficient, transmission coefficient and SWR(Standing Wave Ratio) for terminated transmission lines.
  5. Distinguish between the different modes of waves on a TL (propagating, standing, propagating+standing, decaying, etc.) and what is the impact of the TL parameters and load in determining those modes.
  6. Calculate the different components of power in the circuit and differentiate between delivered power to load, dissipated power and stored energy.
  7. Identify impedance matching conditions that result in max power delivery to the load.
  8. Explain how TL parameters impact the fidelity of a transmitted signal and what are the conditions that need to be satisfied by the TL parameters to obtain distortion-less signal delivery.
  9. Design impedance matching networks using both lumped and distributed components including quarter wave transformers and stubs.
  10. Use Smith charts to find the different circuit quantities at any point along the transmission line which include reflection coefficient, impedance, voltage and current and conversely find locations of voltage and current maxima on the transmission line.
  11. Design impedance matching stubs using Smith chart.

Chapter Overview

In this chapter: